
Medical Training "Procedures and principles of tactical care for the casualty in combat conditions" – MODULE V

On 15.06.2024 and 16.06.2024 in Dołhe (Ukraine) as a part of the project "Support for Ukraine Mountain Rescues" a Medical Training "Procedures and principles of tactical care for the casualty in combat conditions" – MODULE V ""Evacuation of the casualty from the battlefield"  will be conducted. It is planned that in Medical Training 20 members of the NGO Mountains Guides Association “Rovin” acting as Mountain Rescuers and having the status of a member of the Ukrainian army will take part. Medical Training including 20 hours of classes will be conducted by 2 experts from Poland. For participants board and accommodation will be provided.

Medical Training programme:
15.06.2024 08:00-18:00
a) calling of medical evacuation means "9-line medevac request / MIST" - 3h
b) evacuation of the assault group operator wounded at the entrance to the room - 1h
c) evacuation of a combat group operator injured after crossing the doorway - 1h
d) evacuation of a wounded operator from inside the room away from the assault group - 1 h
e) planning the evacuation of the wounded in the vehicle left on the battlefield - 2 h
f) evacuation of the injured from the vehicle in the case of an immobilized car - 1 h
g) evacuation of the wounded from the vehicle using cover fire - 1 hour
16.06.2024 08:00-18:00
h) evacuation of the wounded operator to the tactical support vehicle - 2h
i) transfer of the patient - SIT report - 3h
j) exercises - incident simulations - 5h


The training was conducted as planned. Thank you for your participation!!!


Project "Support for Ukraine Mountain Rescues" is financed by the International Visegrad Fund

International Visegrad Fundwww.visegradfund.org